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The pouch that comes with the clip and clean is very convenient to carry the copper rescue. Also the color makes it easy to spot when looking for it
Thank you for recommending this! I used the Copper Rescue on my daughter on Sunday and she is MUCH better today.
My daughter has struggled with these awful festering warts on her calves for years. We used the Copper Rescue for 2 weeks every day at least once per day and then a few days a week for a month. They started to go away after that and 6 months later haven't been back since. Before they would come and go every few weeks for years and kept getting worse and more painful. Copper Rescue was a godsend.
I've had my Copper Rescue for 4 years.
Whether I'm at home or on an outdoor adventure it is always close by! I love my Copper Rescue, and use it all the time especially during cold/flu season. It's much more convenient than hand sanitizer, which can be very drying on my hands.
Each member of my family and staff has a Copper Rescue. They work and we so appreciate
I have two of them, my husband keeps one with him and I carry on always. They are amazing and
they actually work!
The Copper Rescue helps stops my cold sores and even sometimes minor acne.
As people who DO NOT use any pharmaceuticals, and are emphatic about it, we were quite happy to
hear about Copper Rescue. My husband and I are pleased to say that we have not been sick at all
this season. At first sign of anything brewing, we take a few minutes every morning and evening to
use these Copper Rescues. The copper was given to us by our Creator and we are thankful that it is
available to help us. It demonstrates His care for us. Thank you for making such a fine product for us
to be able to use.
I used the Copper Rescue on a thumb that I bent backwards and cracked the nail into the quick. I
rubbed the stick on the cut and it has not gotten infected and healed literally overnight!
It was red and sore and overnight healed up.
I have had terrible cold sores for most of my life and am beyond excited by the results I have had
using my Copper Rescue®! When I feel the initial onset tingle, I rub my Copper Rescue® on the site
and it never even gets to the next stage! This has been life changing for me! So thankful! I have also
had good results in keeping the colds at bay if when I use my Rescue!
I love the Copper Rescue so much I bought one for everyone in our family! This is an amazing
product that has helped reduce the time being sick, gotten rid of those impossible sores on the
side of our lips, eliminate blemishes, heal cuts and the best part for me is that with only two
applications it completely helped me heal a canker sore within hours instead of days we don't go
anywhere without our Copper Rescues. Copper On!
My daughter had strep throat, and I was very closely connected to her at the time of infection. I used
my Copper Rescue on me as a nasal wand for prevention and truly believe it helped me avoid the
sickness myself. As per prior experiences. It is a great product and we sell it in our gift shop for others
to have access to the benefits of this unique and useful product
Well it seems to be what it is a pure piece of cooper. My wife uses hers a lot on like cuts n some skin bumps or moles and says it works but I have yet to really experience it's ability, but I do believe it's a true microbial n virus killer because science proves coopers will cause these things to implodes when coming in contact with cooper.
The Copper Rescue® did arrive and was put into action immediately. I had a friend over for the weekend. She was forewarned that I was sniffly. She started showing evidence of a cold herself, so we figured it was the perfect time to try the new device. To our relief she never got the cold. It was a pretty impressive illustration of its effectiveness.
Used my Copper Rescue® at the beginning of a cold sore, and the next morning it was gone!
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